Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What woud you do if you had a big fish in your bathtub

Quiz: Answer the questions in a comment after this blog post.

1. What would you do if you had a big fish in your bathtub?

A. Jump on his back and ask him to give you a ride
B. Get the fish and throw it in the nearest pond
C. Give it some food and let it stay in your tub for a while
D. Run away screaming

2. What would you name the fish?

A. Batfish
B. superfish
C. Foofish
D. Edward

3. What game would you play with the fish?

A. Water Tag
B. Go Fish
C. Pool
D. Swim laps

This summer, before you go to a pool, I think you should look in the pool before you go in. You never know if there will be a fish in there waiting to play with you.


Anonymous said...

1. C. It's not often a huge fish in my tub, so i think i better make the most of it.

2. C. No way i'm naming my fish Edward. Foo Fish is about as cool as it gets.

3. B. I'm pretty good at cards, so i think i'd have a strong chance of beating Foo Fish.

Uncle Cameron

Anonymous said...

1. A. A ride would be fun

2. A. Batfish, ratfish, catfish and all those other fish names.

3.A. I love to answer A to all multiple choice questions.


Jamber (more Amber than Jaron) said...

1. d... definitely run away screaming... the last fish we had went down the toilet.
2. e... I'd name it Edward. That seems like a good name for a fish.
3. e... none of the above. I'd play "fetch" and then I'd run away screaming before it could come back.
,Aunt Amber